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Showing posts from February, 2014

The Grace of Christ!

There were many people on my mission who would tell us that we don't believe in grace, that our works will save us. They would say that no matter what God or Christ did for us, we would still have to get 100% on the test of life so that we could make it into Heaven. It always made me laugh to see what others thought that we believe in. Yesterday in church we sung the Hymn "I Believe in Christ." The words of this amazing hymn express our beliefs is such a powerful way. It was written by Bruce R. McConkie, and here are the words: I believe in Christ; he is my King! With all my heart to him I'll sing; I'll raise my voice in praise and joy, In grand amens my tongue employ. I believe in Christ; he is God's Son. On earth to dwell his soul did come. He healed the sick; the dead he raised. Good works were his; his name be praised. 2. I believe in Christ; oh blessed name! As Mary's Son he came to reign 'Mid mortal men, his earthly kin, To save them fro

To Make a Mistake or Not?

Today in institute the topic was Adam and Eve. It reminded me of a story on my mission. There was about 4 of us missionaries sitting at a Wendy's, enjoying our food, when one of the workers there came over to us, and started telling us how we are wrong about Eve, saying her church taught that Eve is one of the most evil people ever. She listened to the devil, she followed his words, and then in turn tempted Adam, and made him partake of the fruit as well. And Adam did no wrong in this incident. There are many different points of view on this topic, and the Bible doesn't have every single detail. I am grateful that we have been blessed with additional scripture to help us better understand God's ways, and the lives of those who lived before us. Once Adam and Eve were created by God, God gave them 2 main commandments, multiply and replenish the earth, and do not partake of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. We don't know how long they were in the garden of E

Tender Mercies