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Showing posts with the label LDS

Putting on the "Whole" Armor of God

Lately, I have been thinking of putting on the whole Armor of God. I remember watching a video in seminary where it showed some young men in armor and how some of them decided to remove their armor because it was uncomfortable and they needed a rest from it. When they least expected, they were attacked and those who had kept on their armor were able to defend off the attack. Some of those who had removed their armor weren't quite as lucky.  Today we live in an age of increasing dangers, not only physical dangers but spiritual and mental dangers as well. Let's take a look at the different parts of the Armor of God: Loins: Our loins must be girt about with truth. Why is it our loins that should have truth and not our head? I feel this is because there are so many eternal truths about how we are God's children and how the powers to procreate is an eternal law.  Chest: We must have the breastplate of righteousness. The breastplate is what covers our vital organs, most important

Everyday Miracles!

This past Sunday I was privileged to teach the Sunday School lesson on the miracles Christ performed. Reading and pondering these tales of miracles always gets me excited and wanting to see them in person. And I have also heard many people ask, "Why has such miracles ceased to be performed?" But have they really stopped? Christ performed many miracles. He cast out unclean spirits, gave sight to the blind, healed the lepers, raised people from the dead, and most importantly He was able to survive the the trial and sacrifice of the atonement, which began in the garden of Gethsemane and went through His resurrection. This miracles have inspired many to follow Christ. But are miracles still happening? I would say that miracles are happening everyday, and all around us. Many of them are those moments we term as being luck or a coincident. Some are a baby taking his first breath, the rising and setting of the sun, the peace that comes during dark times, someone smiling at you at

Which way do you face?

Since I have been having to drive in early to school, I have been blessed with the amazing opportunity to watch the many beautiful rising of the sun. I am so grateful for these wonderful gifts from God. This world is just full of them. I have been privileged to travel to a few different places here in the states, and just in this country alone there are many beautiful canvas the Lord has used to paint such magnificent landscapes. With this earth being filled with such wonderful creations, how do we ever forget who made them? In this recent General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Elder Robbins spoke about which way you face. Where do you put your attention to? On you drive to work or school, what do you look forward to seeing? As you are walking down the street, what are you focused on? As you live through your life, what is your ultimate goal? While on my mission I met a young man at the ward's Christmas party, I can't remember his name, and I c

Smile On!

This world seems to be getting darker and filled with more gloom. God is not a person of dark, but of Light. He wants us all to be happy and filled with joy. I served my mission in the beautiful state of Oregon. The state is filled with wonderful hiking trails, beautiful scenery, and the most spectacular flowers I have ever seen. But this state can also be very gloomy to some. It seems to always be rainy, with grey or dark skies most of the year. As a missionary, my mission president and his wife encouraged me to take vitamin d, because there wasn't a lot of sunlight, we needed to get our boost from something else. There have been many times in my life where I focus so much on the dark skies, but forget to see the beautiful flower near my feet. There are days where I worry about things of this world, and don't worry about my standings with God. The Lord wants us all to be happy, what brings happiness to your life? What causes you to have a smile on your face? What makes you f

Tender Mercies