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Smile On!

This world seems to be getting darker and filled with more gloom. God is not a person of dark, but of Light. He wants us all to be happy and filled with joy.
I served my mission in the beautiful state of Oregon. The state is filled with wonderful hiking trails, beautiful scenery, and the most spectacular flowers I have ever seen. But this state can also be very gloomy to some. It seems to always be rainy, with grey or dark skies most of the year. As a missionary, my mission president and his wife encouraged me to take vitamin d, because there wasn't a lot of sunlight, we needed to get our boost from something else.
There have been many times in my life where I focus so much on the dark skies, but forget to see the beautiful flower near my feet. There are days where I worry about things of this world, and don't worry about my standings with God. The Lord wants us all to be happy, what brings happiness to your life? What causes you to have a smile on your face? What makes you feel warm inside?
I know that all good things come from God, and that all evil things come from the devil. If we want our lives to be filled with joy and happiness, we must do the things God has given us to do. We must work for it, because you will never be happy by being idle.
One major thing I have learned that bring eternal happiness is by serving others. How can you not smile while giving a plate of cookies to a neighbor? How can you not feel warm inside while giving a hug to a friend in need? How can you not have joy when you smile at a complete stranger?
If you are one who seems to be always looking at the gloomy side of life, I challenge you to do at least one good deed today, and tomorrow, and the day after that. I promise you that your life will begin to grow for the better, you will be smiling more often, and you will always remember to admire God's beautiful creations!


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