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The Church Requires too Much of Us

Many have stated that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints requires too much of their members. They state being a member of the church is too hard and not worth it. Let's take a look at what is required of us by the church.
"And now, Israel, what doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to fear the Lord thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul." Deuteronomy 10:12
Just this past April, the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints spoke to the whole world in General Conference. Let's read over some of the requirements which were spoken about in this conference by members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:
Image result for president nelson
President Nelson: “'Does everyone need to repent?' The answer is yes." "We need to do better and be better." "The Lord needs selfless men who put the welfare of others ahead of their own." "Much more is required if we want to have the high privilege of exaltation." "So, what is required for a family to be exalted forever? We qualify for that privilege by making covenants with God, keeping those covenants, and receiving essential ordinances." "The Savior invites all to follow Him into the waters of baptism and, in time, to make additional covenants with God in the temple and receive and be faithful to those further essential ordinances. All these are required if we want to be exalted with our families and with God forever." “Pour out your heart to God. Ask Him if these things are true. Make time to study His words. Really study! If you truly love your family and if you desire to be exalted with them throughout eternity, pay the price now—through serious study and fervent prayer—to know these eternal truths and then to abide by them." "Do the spiritual work to find out for yourselves, and please do it now. Time is running out."
President Oaks: "We have to forego some good things in order to choose others that are better or best." "We must repent of all our sins—all of our actions or inactions contrary to the commandments of God. No one is exempt." "To be cleansed by repentance, we must forsake our sins and confess them to the Lord and to His mortal judge where required." "We need to partake of the sacrament each Sabbath day." "We must repent before the Final Judgment."
President Eyring: "Make your home a place of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and a place that is permeated with love, the pure love of Christ."
President M. Russell Ballard: "Live the true, pure, and simple teachings of Christ and also to apply the Savior’s two great commandments: 'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart. … Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.'"
Elder Jeffery R. Holland: "It is crucial for us to remember that we are still commanded to “'go to the house of prayer and offer up thy sacraments upon my holy day.'” "We make an apostolic plea for the reduction of clamor in the sanctuary of our buildings."
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf: "The Lord has never required expert, flawless missionary efforts. Instead, 'the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind.'” "Draw close to God." "Fill your heart with love for others." "Strive to walk the path of discipleship." "Share what is in your heart." "Trust the Lord to work His miracles."
Elder David A. Bednar: "Our personal responsibility is to learn what we should learn, to live as we know we should live, and to become who the Master would have us become." “Let us share with our children the spiritual feelings we have in the temple. And let us teach them more earnestly and more comfortably the things we can appropriately say about the purposes of the house of the Lord.”
Elder Quentin L. Cook: "When it comes to gathering Israel, we need to align our hearts with this kind of love and move away from feelings of mere responsibility." "Seek to know the will of the Lord." "Parents have a responsibility to lovingly teach their children." "Make the internet, social media, and television a servant instead of a distraction or, even worse, a master." "As parents we need to make sure that media content is wholesome, age appropriate, and consistent with the loving atmosphere we are trying to create." "Teaching in our homes needs to be clear and compelling31 but also spiritual, joyful, and full of love." "Focus on our love for the Savior and His Atonement, make Him the centerpiece of our efforts to gather Israel on both sides of the veil, minister to others, and individually prepare to meet God."
Elder D. Todd Christofferson: "Let us do all we can to relieve suffering and sorrow now, and let us devote ourselves more diligently to the preparations needed for the day when pain and evil are ended altogether." "Repent, believe on Christ, and be baptized." "Strive to be diligent in building up Zion."
Elder Neal L. Andersen: "Our mortal quest is to strengthen our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, to choose good over evil, and to keep His commandments." "Speak in defense of the unborn."
Elder Ronald A. Rasband: "We must build a fortress of spirituality and protection for our very souls, a fortress that will not be penetrated by the evil one." "Trust the Lord." "Stand for the truth." "[Worship] in the temple." "We should have integrity in all that we do. We should develop discernment and discipline so that we do not have to continually determine what is right and what is wrong." "Seek 'to be like Jesus' in all that you do; shun evil and temptations; repent, as we were admonished yesterday by our dear prophet; be honest in heart; be upright and pure; show compassion and charity; and love the Lord your God with the devotion of a true disciple."
Elder Gary E. Stevenson: "Strengthen your teammates." "[Study] your playbook." "Understand your assignment." "[Create] a personal game plan and playbook so that you will know how to respond when faced with opposition." "Pray every day for greater light and a testimony of Jesus Christ." "Listen carefully to the teachings of your parents, your bishop, and your Young Men and quorum leaders." "Avoid pornography and immoral social media content." "Remember the promises you have made to God, and work to keep them." "Study scripture stories of great prophets, and emulate their good qualities." "Bless Heavenly Father’s children through service." "Seek good friends to help you become the person you want to be." "Become an expert in the FamilySearch app, and research your own family history." "Plan places of retreat where you can escape evil influences." "Love and help strengthen other members of your priesthood quorum." "Include regular prayer, scripture study, church and temple attendance, pay tithing, and following the counsel found in the For the Strength of Youth booklet." "[Plan] ahead how you will face temptation." "Listen to your trusted coaches, such as your parents, bishop, and Young Men leaders. Learn the playbook. Read the scriptures. Study the words of modern-day prophets. Create your own game plan of how you will prove yourself as a disciple of Christ."
Elder Dale G. Renlund: "We too must act on our faith in Jesus Christ to be blessed." "We are each responsible to open and study Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families, along with the scriptures and other Come, Follow Me material. We need to discuss them with our family and friends and organize our Sabbath day to light a metaphorical fire." "I invite you to faithfully activate heavenly power to receive specific blessings from God. Exercise the faith to strike the match and light the fire. Supply the needed oxygen while you patiently wait on the Lord."
Elder Gerrit W. Gong: "Seek with real intent to follow Jesus Christ." "Study, ponder, and pray... renew sacramental and temple covenants." "Invite all to come to His gospel and ordinances." "Call the restored Church by the name Jesus Christ revealed: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." "Our Savior desires that what we do and who we are becoming will invite others to come, follow Him. Come find love, healing, connection, and covenant belonging in Him, including in God’s holy temple, where sacred ordinances of salvation can bless all family members, thus gathering Israel on both sides of the veil." "Minister in love."
Elder Ulisses Soares: "We need to teach and strengthen others in their conversion." "Seek to learn and to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ ." "Our lives need to be rooted upon the rock of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ." "Accept the Savior’s invitation to “come and see,” we need to abide in Him, immersing ourselves in the scriptures, rejoicing in them, learning His doctrine, and striving to live the way He lived." "Brothers and sisters, our actions must reflect what we learn and teach. We need to show our beliefs through the way we live." "Ultimately, keep living a worthy life, be a good example to them of what you believe, and draw closer to our Savior, Jesus Christ."
What was spoken by the Brethren which is too hard to do? Years ago a friend in institute shared the following:
"Complete obedience brings complete blessings!" -Robyn
Each "requirement" given to us is tied with a promised blessing. What are some of the blessings you want to receive? What blessings were promised us this last conference? I challenge you to look for the blessings you want to receive and do the "requirement" tied to it. Pretty soon you'll want to be following all the commandments!


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