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Showing posts from March, 2017

I Hated My Mission Companion

Christ said the following: “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;” this seems to be something that is easier said than done. But I do know it is possible since I have seen it happen in my life. While serving my mission in the Oregon Portland Mission, I had been placed with a great companion, a hard worker, who knew how to get things done. I enjoyed every minute with him. Then the dreadful day came transfer day. I stayed in the area, but my companion was transferred. From the first time, I saw my new companion I felt like I wasn’t going to like him. And I was right, I wasn’t a big fan of him, he didn’t like to work and it was hard to connect with him. I was filled with hatred towards him. How could I love my enemy when I couldn’t even love my companion. This went on for weeks, and then months, no work was getting done and it seemed to me that no one wanted to even listen to us. It

Tender Mercies