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Showing posts from April, 2017

How Are You Sharing Your Testimony to the World?

Proclaiming the gospel can be a difficult thing to do, but with the advancements in technology, we are better able to share our beliefs with almost anyone in the world. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has set up a website in which helps us share our testimonies on social media. The #ShareGoodness site teaches us and shows us how we can simply share the gospel and how it is important to us. Sharing our testimonies doesn’t have to be a complicated task. When we take a look at , we are able to find much great content to share. There are photos available to use, videos to share, great articles, and of course, there are the conference talks. The list of things to share from is countless! The church also has a wonderful daily subscription service which you can get Daily Messages. Here there are 5 different channels which you can subscribe to Email , Twitter , RSS Feed , Facebook , and Google+ . As humans, we are very forgetful, and getting these daily

Who has influenced you in your life?

Steve Dalton and his wife Recently my swim coach from high school announced his retirement. After 48 years of coaching, he has decided to throw in the towel. This man had a great influence on me, helped me shape who I am today. It has really gotten me thinking, how many people have I influenced? There are some people which we know we have influenced because they have told us, but what about the people who we have but haven't told us? I would like to tell you about an amazing man, a man who passed away this last year. Steve Dalton was a mighty man in the faith. I was on my mission, I was still in my first area, and having a really rough time. Steve Dalton was the stake president of the district I was in. Every month he would have all of us missionaries over for breakfast, this breakfast was amazing! But it wasn't the breakfast which had the biggest impact on me, it was what he did for me the very last time I was in his home. After breakfast, we would have a gospel discussio

Do you want to be able to shake the powers of hell?

One of my favorite stories is of Alma the younger and the Sons of Mosiah. They were the vilest of sinners, put became some of the best missionaries to ever serve the Lord. Their story truly shows us that the gospel of Jesus Christ is for everyone, the sinner, the righteous and everyone in between. They, like Saul, were confronted by an angel who told them they need to change their ways. They were told to stop destroying the church, but to help build it up. Would you change your life if you were visited by an angel? I feel all of us would say yes to this question, but would we really change? Let's take a look at Laman and Lemuel. These two men were visited by angels a handful of times, did they change? Maybe for a day or two, but then they went back to their evil ways. They, like Lucifer, chose to rebel against their father because they wanted all the glory, they wanted to be the hero, but since they chose to rebel they instead were made the loser. But they saw an angel, they hea

Tender Mercies