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Positivity is the Key to Success

On this journey we call life, we have many choices to make. With these choices, we choose how we react to the consequences of those choices. We tend to be happy when things go as planned, mad when things go wrong, and sad when the unexpected happens. The way we react has a great influence on those around us. If you want to be the greatest motivation for others you must be positive.

All throughout time, there have been some amazingly influential leaders who have motivated others to do some great and amazing things. George Washington led his troops to victory for freedom, Abraham Lincoln stood up for the freedoms of everyone while Rosa Parks sat down for them. Similarly, there were powerful voices who have led to horrible things. Adolf Hitler led his troops to try and annihilate an entire race. Fidel Castro stood to block people's freedom. Mary I of England had many people be burned at the stake. Who would you rather follow? Who would you rather be?

One of the greatest leaders who has influenced millions maybe billions is Jesus Christ. His teachings have brought forth the greatest hope and light into this world. He taught us not only to include others in happiness but to help them step forward in life. He helped us look past the past of others and our own past and look forward to our bright future. Today he has followers in almost every country.

Adolf Hitler is remembered as a mastermind of military expansion. He successfully invaded at least ten countries. Ten countries are a lot, but, isn't the entire world more? He led by fear. Because of him, a whole race was brought to live in terror, they feared that any day would be their last day.

Abraham Lincoln brought a divided country together for a greater nation. He didn’t judge people by what they looked like or the color of their uniform, he judged people based on their actions. Lincoln helped others see the worth of all souls, not just the ones deemed to be citizens. He showed us the true foundation of this great nation.

If you grew up during the Cold War you know what it meant to live in fear. Here in the United States people were reminded constantly how with just the simple push of a button their life could come to an end. Fidel Castro was one of the leaders who brought this fear about. With his political ways, many people lived in fear.

Most people tend to stand up for what they believe in, but one of the greatest leaders sat down to fight for hers and our freedoms. Rosa Parks led by the quiet example of hope. When she sat down on that bus, she squished unneeded judgment and hate. By sitting down, she stood up for me to have a brighter future.

Mary I of England had the nickname of “Bloody Mary.” She got the name by putting fear into those who opposed her by having her enemies burnt at the stake. If I had been burned at the stake because I opposed someone, I would have been burned at least a hundred times. Thankfully, I live in a different time.

We have just looked at the different ways leaders have lived their lives and how they have motivated people. I would like to ask each of you two questions, what kind of leader are you, and what kind of leader do you follow? Fear may motivate us at first, but it isn’t the lasting way to keep others motivated. Bringing hope and positivity to others will have the greatest impact on other lives in the long run.

I would love to hear about the leaders who have influenced you the most. Who are they and why were they such a great influence on you? Please mention them in the comments below!


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