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Growing up in and being raised by goodly parents I was taught to say no. I was told to say no to drugs, to alcohol, and many other unwise actions. When I asked my parents for things I often heard the response of no. Can I stay up late tonight? Can I sluff school today? Can I get a supersized happy meal?
Now that I am older I still hear the answer no. Can I buy an 85 inch TV? Bank account says no. Can I get the new Tesla Model 3? Again my bank account says no. Can I speed down the highway? The officer who pulled me over says no.
On my mission, I was told no many times. Can we come in and share a message with you? No. Can we baptize your daughter? No. Can we get extra miles in our car this month? No.
Growing up in the church I was taught to always try your best to say yes to a calling. When I was a youth I never heard of people saying no to a calling. Now that I am older I hear it all the time. My parents are in a ward which seems to be doubling by size each week, yet they struggle to fill callings. I have been teaching a primary class by myself for almost 7 months now because no one is saying yes.
I have heard many excuses as to why they say no. I have anxiety and kids will only make it worse. My work schedule won't allow me to do this calling. The kids hate me. I don't know how to teach. Everyone thinks I am a nerd. I don't believe in myself. And the list goes on. If I had a dollar for everytime someone said no to a calling, I would probably be a thousandaire!
Now I don't want you to take me wrong. Sometimes, rarely, we can't say yes to a calling. There a few exceptions for us to say no to a calling. Kind of like how Nephi was commanded to kill Laban, this was an exception and it rarely happens. I could list some good excuses but one excuse isn't good for everyone.
I would like to share some reasons why we all should say yes. Even though I still am teaching alone, I have learned so much from these 4 5-year olds. I have been taught from the mouth of babes. The veil for them is thinner than it is for me, and they have shared their testimonies of some wonderful things. Who would want to miss out on these tender mercies of the Lord? My wife has shared with me how she struggles to find a time in a chaotic life to study a certain topic of the gospel. Because of her calling she has to take time to study and ponder so she can be prepared to share with her primary children. She also fills she is in more need of the lessons than the kids.
There was a man from my mission who I have talked about before, but his story is always powerful to me. President Dalton was a man of large stature, not only physically but spiritually too. He showed so much love for all he met. He also had diabetes, which made walking very difficult for him. One Saturday his feet were very cold and numb so he sat by the fire. He didn't notice but he burnt his feet and couldn't even stand on them. The next day was Stake Conference and him being the Stake President was expected to be there. Some knew of his dilemma, but most didn't know what had happened. He stood at the pulpit and share a powerful talk of love and courage. Tears were streaming down his face the entire time. Some might say he should have said no, he should have stayed home and rested his feet and let them heal. But if he hadn't been there I probably wouldn't have the testimony I have today. I might have even left my mission early because of how hard it felt to me.
In a world where we are taught and encourage to say no, I hope we all may have the courage to say yes! Instead of thinking of an excuse to say no, please think of an excuse to say yes. If you can't think of a good excuse, before you say no, ask your Bishop why he is extending this calling to you. His answer may surprise you and help you have more confidence in yourself.
What have been some of your blessings you have received from callings, please comment them below!


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