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Putting on the "Whole" Armor of God

Lately, I have been thinking of putting on the whole Armor of God. I remember watching a video in seminary where it showed some young men in armor and how some of them decided to remove their armor because it was uncomfortable and they needed a rest from it. When they least expected, they were attacked and those who had kept on their armor were able to defend off the attack. Some of those who had removed their armor weren't quite as lucky.  Today we live in an age of increasing dangers, not only physical dangers but spiritual and mental dangers as well. Let's take a look at the different parts of the Armor of God: Loins: Our loins must be girt about with truth. Why is it our loins that should have truth and not our head? I feel this is because there are so many eternal truths about how we are God's children and how the powers to procreate is an eternal law.  Chest: We must have the breastplate of righteousness. The breastplate is what covers our vital organs, most important
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With God All Things Are Made Possible

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I Believe In A Thing Called Love

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Tender Mercies