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What's in your conversion story?

The other day I got the idea to start collecting people's conversion stories, and share them with others. Some of us feel that we don't have one because we were born into the church, but we all have to come to the knowledge to either follow in the footsteps of others, or find it out for ourselves.
This first story is from a great friend of mine, who has always brought light into my life!

"It starts back in Jr. Year of high school. I have done stuff that I am not proud of and I regret them everyday. I had to confess some stuff to the bishop. It was very severe stuff. I was so scared to tell him. I felt like God hated me and was so disappointed in me. But the worst part was that I felt God didn’t love me anymore and that He wouldn’t love me again.
But I just felt like I needed to go talk to the bishop anyways. So in March I went and told my bishop everything the love in his eyes was so strong!! Even though I had made some stupid mistakes, he still loved me!!
"After I told my bishop I felt so much better!! Like a ton of weight was lifted off my shoulders!! I had made a promise to start really reading my scriptures or a talk everyday, and pray morning and night at least. I saw so much evidence of our Heavenly Father’s love for me and the blessings He puts in my life. Between praying and studying, and not taking the sacrament, I started to really feel His love. Eventually and not for awhile I got to take the sacrament. The first Sunday I got to take it again was so amazing!! It felt so good I started crying. My whole body felt so warm and good!! I will never ever forget that feeling!! I knew right then that Heavenly Father was so proud of me!!
"A couple months after that, I was sitting in the Bishop’s office and we were talking about my progress and how I was feeling. Then he started asking me the temple recommend questions.
"When he asked me if I had a testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, I had no doubt that it was real, so much warmth and confirmation from the Holy Ghost was there!!
"And then he asked if I felt Temple worthy. I had a harder time with that but when no negative feelings came, I said yes!
"I was so happy and felt so clean!!! I felt so amazing!!! I got my recommend back that day. But it doesn’t stop there.
"I went to the temple that week and couldn’t stop crying.  as I felt the sweet Holy Spirit around me and the feeling of being in the temple again, it was so amazing, I can’t even begin to describe it.
"That same week, I went on trek. It was the first time I had ever been. It was the first day of the trek and we had separated from the men. We gathered as women while the men went on “missions.”
"While we were gathered, the young women’s stake leader shared some pioneer stories of pioneer women and their sacrifices. So Awesome!!
"Before we did the woman’s pull, we stood up and started saying the young women's theme.
“We are daughters of our Heavenly Father, Who loves us, and we love Him!”
"That is as far as I got. I started crying so hard!! At that moment I knew that simple sentence was true!! I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father, Who loves me and I love Him!!!
"For the first time in my entire life I felt truly loved by my Heavenly Father. I felt it without a doubt in my heart and the warmth I felt through out my entire body and the Spirit confirming it. It felt so awesome!!
I cried the whole time they were saying the theme and doing the women’s pull. When we got to the top and the men joined us, I just took a little walk by myself to soak in the feelings.
"I had felt for the longest time that God had stopped loving me, a very long time ago. But just saying that one sentence changed everything. I had said it a 100 times before, but that one time changed everything.
"I am so very grateful for the Atonement and the unconditional love They have for me!!! Without either one of them I wouldn’t be where I am today!!"
I received this story during my mission, I am grateful to have, it has brought me so much joy, and helped me to confirm God's love in my life, and helped me to see the good in others! 


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