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Thankful Hearts

As we approach Thanksgiving, I want to focus on having a thankful heart. A lot of the time we just remember to be thankful this time of the year. Why aren't we thankful for all other times of the year? Why aren't we thankful for the glistening snow on January? Why are we thankful for the love which fills our lives and heart in February? Why aren't we thankful for our lucky charms in March? Why aren't we thankful for the Resurrection of our Lord and Master in April? Why aren't we thankful for the beautiful flowers which bloom before our eyes in May? Why aren't we thankful for school getting out in June? Why aren't we thankful for our freedom in July? Why aren't we thankful for watermelon and BBQs in August? Why aren't we thankful to start school in September? Why aren't we thankful for cold weather perfect to cuddle with someone in October? And why aren't we thankful for the birth of Jesus Christ, our only reason to have hope, in December?
I know you are all thinking that we are all grateful for these things and many more, but a lot of the time we don't show it, we just go on through our live appreciating this many wonderful gifts in our lives, but not share that joy with others.
This year I challenge all of us, even myself to be more thankful, and not just on a day we make ourselves fat! Each day we should tell others what we are thankful for, I know that if we do this, we will brighten the lives of those around us, there will be a light around us that will fill us with warmth and joy. And we will help our world become a better place. Today I am thankful for knowledge and the blessings it has helped me to recognize! 


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Tender Mercies