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Which way do you face?

Since I have been having to drive in early to school, I have been blessed with the amazing opportunity to watch the many beautiful rising of the sun. I am so grateful for these wonderful gifts from God. This world is just full of them. I have been privileged to travel to a few different places here in the states, and just in this country alone there are many beautiful canvas the Lord has used to paint such magnificent landscapes. With this earth being filled with such wonderful creations, how do we ever forget who made them? In this recent General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Elder Robbins spoke about which way you face. Where do you put your attention to? On you drive to work or school, what do you look forward to seeing? As you are walking down the street, what are you focused on? As you live through your life, what is your ultimate goal? While on my mission I met a young man at the ward's Christmas party, I can't remember his name, and I c

Smile On!

This world seems to be getting darker and filled with more gloom. God is not a person of dark, but of Light. He wants us all to be happy and filled with joy. I served my mission in the beautiful state of Oregon. The state is filled with wonderful hiking trails, beautiful scenery, and the most spectacular flowers I have ever seen. But this state can also be very gloomy to some. It seems to always be rainy, with grey or dark skies most of the year. As a missionary, my mission president and his wife encouraged me to take vitamin d, because there wasn't a lot of sunlight, we needed to get our boost from something else. There have been many times in my life where I focus so much on the dark skies, but forget to see the beautiful flower near my feet. There are days where I worry about things of this world, and don't worry about my standings with God. The Lord wants us all to be happy, what brings happiness to your life? What causes you to have a smile on your face? What makes you f

Mini Miracles

"There are only two ways to live your life, one is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle!" -Albert Einstein As we read the Bible we see these mighty miracles being performed. Moses parting the Red Sea, the walls of Jericho falling down, Jesus walking on water, a girl being raised from the dead, and the greatest miracle of all, Jesus Christ performing the atonement. I have always heard people ask, "Why aren't there any miracles these days?" Has God stopped the work of miracles in these days? No, He has not! We have become blind to the higher things in life, we see these amazing acts performed by God, and we see them as naught. The rising of the sun, the sound of laughter, the smile on a child's face, and the feeling of being loved. How are these not miracles? "Wonder of Wonder, Miracle of Miracle!" That is probably my favorite line from the movie "Fiddler on the Roof." I feel we are expecting

A Boy and His Mom!

Lately I have been thinking about a book, my favorite childhood book. This book has helped me a lot over the years, if I am ever feeling down and blue, I read this book, and it helps me to remember how much I have been given. This book especially reminds me of my mom! I know she enjoys my company, and she has given me so much, and has made so many sacrifices not just me, but all my siblings and many others. From this book I have learned that the activities which we do with those we love don’t matter too much, but the time we spend with them do. So now I want to thank my mom for all the great time we have spent together! Started about 22 years ago. I spent about 9 months with her, nagging her here and there when I was hungry. Giving her a “gentle” kick when I was excited for no reason. After those 9 months of darkness for me, she went through the greatest pain known to man for many hours for me! I grew up, learned to walk, to talk, and to eat! During all this she was continually

Frozen in our Trials

Here on this earth we all get to experience experiences! Some of these experiences come out as blessings and wonderful times of joy. While the others are are trials and times where we want to just go and cry into our pillows. God blesses us all with different kinds of experiences for our benefit. Sometimes we are blessed with a reindeer who likes to eat our carrots, other times we are blessed with magical powers where everything we touch turns to snow or ice and everyone is scared to even look at you. Sometimes we are blessed with a bishop who doesn't have the same views as us. Or maybe we get chased by wolves and our nice new sled ends up going over a cliff. Or maybe a loved one passed away. Or maybe we are a snowman in the summer. We all have these trials, but it is how deal with them that counts. While on my mission I ran into my people who has stopped going to church because someone said a stupid thing about how their hair was a bit unkempt. Also there were many people who st

The Best 2 Years, Plus a Few Extra!

My experience on my mission was a wonderful time of needed growth, spiritually and physically. While I was on a mission there are many ups and downs. There were many fun times filled with laughter and smiles! There also were times where I felt down and just wanted to find the nearest corner in the room and just cry. There were many adventures of going and exploring the sites, and also times of boredom. I knew that going on a mission would have been hard, but I didn't think it would have been that hard. But I am still glad that I went. Have you ever wondered why these young "punk" kids go on missions to tell people about Jesus? Well let me tell you why I went. I grew up in a wonderful family(wonderful means normal, crazy, siblings fighting, fun times). I was born into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I always enjoyed going to church, mostly to hear the cool stories from the scriptures, and getting the occasional snacks! Once I got into my older teenage y

The Lamb and the Lion

Today while in priesthood the hymn "The Spirit of God" was running through my mind. In the beginning of the fourth verse it says the following: "How blessed the day when the lamb and the lion shall lie down together without any ire." This line has always been a powerful line for me, always making my eyes feel like some dust got in them. Also that would be an awesome scene to see. I also sometimes feel like I am a poor helpless lamb, trying to feed on some grass, and there is a ferocious lion about to jump on me. And I am waiting for that moment of peace when I can just talk things out with this lion. After priesthood we went to Sunday school where I got the privilege to teach the lesson about when Joseph was sold into Egypt by his brothers. He could have felt like he was a helpless lamb about to be torn up by a lion. But instead he kept going, and never forgot the Lord. He didn't see others as lions, but he saw them as lambs. He probably imagined himself as the

Tender Mercies