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The Best 2 Years, Plus a Few Extra!

My experience on my mission was a wonderful time of needed growth, spiritually and physically. While I was on a mission there are many ups and downs. There were many fun times filled with laughter and smiles! There also were times where I felt down and just wanted to find the nearest corner in the room and just cry. There were many adventures of going and exploring the sites, and also times of boredom.
I knew that going on a mission would have been hard, but I didn't think it would have been that hard. But I am still glad that I went. Have you ever wondered why these young "punk" kids go on missions to tell people about Jesus? Well let me tell you why I went.
I grew up in a wonderful family(wonderful means normal, crazy, siblings fighting, fun times). I was born into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I always enjoyed going to church, mostly to hear the cool stories from the scriptures, and getting the occasional snacks! Once I got into my older teenage years I wasn't sure about this whole church thing, I would sometimes do the "*cough* *cough* Mom I am sick, I can't make it to *cough* church today." But I would keep going to church, mostly because I didn't want to disappoint my parents, or have my younger siblings nagging me about why I wasn't going to church. But I never felt like I knew that going to church was the right thing to do, and I didn't know that the church and the Book of Mormon was true. Most people didn't even know I felt like this, in fact I don't think I told anyone about this.
I came to a point in my life where it felt like something was missing, and I just didn't know what. I also felt mad whenever someone would say that they knew the church/Book of Mormon was true. I would think how could they know it is true, that is impossible. But then one day I remember someone saying that they came to know that it was all true by reading the Book of Mormon and praying about it. And I thought about it, and I realized that everyone had been telling me to do this my whole life, and I had never done it.(I was one of those stubborn kids who did what I wanted to do!)
So I started reading the Book of Mormon, and praying everyday. At first nothing happened, and it went like that for like 3 months, but I kept reading, I wanted to finish it. When I got towards the end of the book, I came across this passage: "Behold, I speak to you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing." Mormon 8:35. I thought, "Hey that would be cool if that was true. But while I prayed that night, and asked if the Book of Mormon is true, this thought came into my head, "Look back at the past few months, how much better has your life been then before?" I was able to see a big gradual difference in my life. I saw that I had much more happiness in my life.
The only thing I had changed in my life during those few months were reading the scriptures and praying. So I decided for the next week to not read and pray. That was probably the worst ideas I have ever had in my life. It was the worst week I have ever had. I was able to feel that confirmation from the Spirit testifying to me that the Book of Mormon is true, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is Christ's church here upon the earth.
I ask you all who think that the Book of Mormon is a made up thing, read it, feels its power in your life, and let the joy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ fill your life so that you can have joy!
Now I would like to tell you a couple stories from my mission.
First one is about a lady named Candy. Candy was a lady who didn't know much about the church, all she knew was what her church had told her. She was dating a guy who was a less-active member of the church, and they ended up going to two different funerals together. One was of a person from some church, I can't remember what one. The other one was of a guy who had been a member of our church. She told her boyfriend that she felt a difference between the two different services, and felt more joy from the second one. It was at this time when she found out that he was actually a member, but hadn't been for a while. So they decided to go to church that Sunday, and that is when I got to meet them. We started teaching her and she loved every bit of it. But then we came to the lesson on the Word of Wisdom, we found out that she loved her coffee and had been drinking it since she was a baby. She told us that she didn't want to give it up, and we told her that she couldn't get baptized if she didn't quit drinking it. She said she would think about it. The next day we get a text from her late at night saying that she had quit drinking coffee and that she wanted to get baptized. Here is a picture of us at her baptism!
 The Lord does work in mysterious ways. This next story is about a guy named Rob. The story of us meeting him was a miracle. I was in need of a haircut, and there was a member who owned a hair salon who would cut our hair for free. So I called to make an appointment, and there wasn't single time open up on our P-day, when we are suppose to get our haircut. I asked my companion if he felt like it would be alright if we didn't a different day, and we both felt like we should. The day we went it was a good day, cloudy, but not raining. After the appointment we were just about to get into our car when a guy on a bike calls out to us, saying he wants to talk to us. He tells us his whole life story, about how he is a less active member, and has had a rough life. He had super bad depression. We started meeting with him, and one day he told us just how bad his life was getting and he had zero hope, at least he felt like there was none. So we talked to him about blessings and how they can help him, and we asked him if he would like one. He said yes and asked me to give him the blessing. The thoughts which were going though my head were, "why is he asking me? I don't even know anything about depression, how can I know what to say to him that would comfort him?" So I said a mini silent prayer asking God to help me know what to say. As I started saying the blessing I remember feeling like I wasn't the one in control, I know I wasn't the one speaking. I remember saying things that I didn't even know the meaning. That Was probably the best feeling I have ever had in my life!
I know that God knows each and everyone of us. He knows our problems, and He is always sending His angels to our aid. If you are ever feeling down, pray to Him, and He will comfort you, He has comfort me, and many others, and I know He will comfort you!


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Tender Mercies