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A Bible, a Bible, we have no need for a Bible!

This day in age I hear about many people who say that we don't need to read or follow the teachings in the Bible anymore. These writings are old and dusty, and what benefit can we get from it? But I know that if we take the time to read and study this great book, we will gain a greater knowledge of what is required of us in this life, the joy of eternal life, and will be prepared for things which are to come.
There are three main religions which take root from the Bible. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. These three religions cover more then half of the world's population. If the Bible influences more then half of all people, shouldn't we use it more?
Here is a list of benefits of reading/studying the Bible:
  1. 1. 
    The testimony of the existence of God.
  2. 2. 
    The history of the beginnings of mankind as a divine race placed on the earth for eternal, divine purposes.
  3. 3. 
    The importance of establishing a covenant relationship with God.
  4. 4. 
    The history and purpose of the establishment of the elect lineage through which the priesthood would be restored in the last days.
  5. 5. 
    The development of that law upon which most civil and criminal laws would be built.
  6. 6. 
    The knowledge that God intervenes directly in the lives of men and nations and that through Him many are divinely led, directed, and protected.
  7. 7. 
    The consequences of disobedience and rebellion against God and His laws.
  8. 8. 
    The baseness of any form of idolatry and the commandments of the Lord against it.
  9. 9. 
    The need to endure, even through suffering and pain.
  10. 10. 
    The way by which the Saints can escape the major destructions of the last days.
  11. 11. 
    The greatness and dreadfulness of the day when the Lord will come in His glory.
  12. 12. 
    The testimony that the God of the Old Testament is Jesus Christand that He came to earth to free men from death and make it possible for men to be freed from sin and thus return to the presence of God the Father.
Many of the nations government also takes roots from the Bible. I would say that most people have had some influence from the Bible at sometime in their life. We all have the knowledge of common things which are good to do, and things which aren't so good to do. We look at the ten commandments and three of them are laws in almost every country: Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, and thou shalt not bear false witness. And many cultures use the fifth one which is, thou shalt honor and obey your parents. The fourth one has been proven to be a benefit to all. Thou shalt keep the Sabbath day holy. Six days thou shalt labor, and on the seventh day thou shalt rest. I remember learning in my psychology class that we all need to take a day of rest, every week, it is a natural reboot for your system. The other side of that commandment is for the benefit of us as well. We are to labor six days of the week.  If we were to just sit and be lazy, nothing would get done. We would all die of starvation, and that wouldn't be good.
There are many benefits for reading and getting to understand the teachings of the Bible, and also following what it says. Along with physical and social benefits, there is also spiritual benefits. Every time I read scriptures, not just the Bible, I receive a feeling of peace and joy in my life. I am able to have a clearer vision of where my life is at, and what I need to do to accomplish in my life. I know that God inspired many great men and women to bring us the Bible, without it we would all fail. Let us not put the efforts of those great sacrifices to bring it to us in vain.


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