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What is your story?

We hear and see many famous people in the world. Many times we wish we could be placed where they are, with wealth, many people looking up to us, getting everything we want. We envy those who have more than us. Even if we don't want to be like the celebrities, but want to be like people from the scriptures. Like Nephi, being brave to stand against Laban. Ester showing us her faith to do the unthinkable. Peter being able to see and feel the scars of Christ. Paul hearing the voice of Christ. Alma being converted by the joy of repentance. There are many more stories of great people, and there are many times where we as "normal" people long to be like them and to have these amazing experiences, when we forget to look are our own story. What is your story?
This past weekend I was privileged to go to a conference that was about Social Media and developing your online brand. The phrase "fake it till you make it" came up, and the astounding pianist, Jon Schmidt, said that there are people who say this is lying, and he said yes it is, but he also said that belittling yourself is also. We need to show and tell our own story. We need not belittle ourselves, and we also need not to make our stories be unrealistic. We each our special in our own ways. We have come to this earth to learn and to grow. God has brought us to where we are for a reason. Many times we don't know why we are where we are at, but we find out later on. We don't know why we hit every single red light on our way to work or school. We then find out later that if we had had greens the whole way we wouldn't have met that someone who needed to see your smile, or you met that someone who later on becomes your spouse. There are also many time where we won't find out the why's until after we die.
So going back to your story, what makes you stand out? We all have strengths and weaknesses, what have you learned from them? There are also many of our strengths which we share with others. But they are still awesome to us. Like this amazing fact, we are all God's children, He loves us, and He is continually watching over us, and giving us strengths and experiences to learn and grow in miraculous ways. Jon Schmidt told us his story, and here is a brief version of it. When he got married and was trying to figure out if he should take his piano playing into a career, he said he decided to have God make the decision. God told him to go with it, and he has continually followed God advice. Now he has gotten big, making videos on YouTube with the Piano Guys. He said that if he hadn't followed God, he would have gotten nowhere, things kept falling into place! He says he doesn't know how long this career will last, but he knows that where the Lord leads him, that is the best place to go.
Here is my story, I am a son of God, walking on this path of life with a few trips and bruised knees and hands! I am a man who loves to smile and laugh. Looking at the beauty of this earth helps me remember the goodness of God. I am a student working hard to figure out what direction I need to go. I am a lifeguard, watching and helping others to be safe. I am one who loves to learn, to get info and share it with others. I have always been a fan of the simple things, like a warm shower, the sunshine on my face, the sparkle in others eyes, the crowing of the rooster in the morning. There are many joys in life, and I am discovering them one at a time!
I ask you all to make and discover your story, share it with others, and help others by showing them their talents and strengths. When we share our stories and strive to help others this world will become a productive and joyous place.


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